Sunday, June 21, 2009

Saint Patrick

I only have one follower on this blog. I used to have two. Now one. I don't know why. I guess she reads this. I don't know if anyone else does. However, I have to post this and see where it goes.
I am not referring to the dude who drove snakes out of Ireland or some such thing. I'm talking about my very own brother. Not the kid I fought with growing up, but the grown-up who forgave me things kids shouldn't. The guy who put up with a lot of things most men wouldn't. The guy who gives us himself over and over and over .... taking on responsibility that rightfully should be shared. It's not that others aren't willing ... but he has proximity, and it's just so easy to let it all rest on him.
I'm talking about the guy who so willingly shares his home, his time, and goes out of his way - asking nothing in return - to show someone a wonderful time.
I'm not just saying all this because he treats me so nicely. It's because he does it so cheerfully. Because he treats me like me like I have some sense - even when I don't act like it. Because he doesn't criticize or condemn me, even when I know I've made a lifetime of foolish or silly choices.
Just because he loves me when I'm not loveable.
I just want the world (or at least my little corner of it) to know I love my brother.

Day Trip to the Mountains

I took a vacation day Friday, and Jimmy and I headed up to W/S to visit DB, DSIL, & parents. We left as soon as I got home from work Thursday, and got to DB's house around 10ish.
After a good night's sleep (without having to get up early Friday!!), the 4 of us went and picked up Mama and Daddy, and began a Most Fantastic Day!. First we went out to eat breakfast at Mama's favorite restaurant. Then we rode up into the mountains for the day. The temps were at least 20 degrees cooler in the higher elevations, and it was just simply a beautiful perfect day. As we rode up, we first made a stop at an Amish store. Oh my what lovely temptations were in there! Of course I didn't get out empty handed; we got some jam, some rice, and a gift for a friend. We continued riding, up and up and up, and then got onto the Blue Ridge Parkway. We rode for miles and miles, and every view was better than the last. The mountains were hazed with the mist that gives them their name, and just awesome. There was a point where part of the parkway was closed, and we had to take a detour. Even that was lovely ... winding twisting roads up and down through the mountain country side. There were lots of little farms, hills and fields, rolling out hill after hill as far as you can see. My favorites were mile after mile of Christmas tree farms ... cute little trees (and a few crops not so "little") as far as the eye can see. And of course we saw cows and horses. My brother saw a deer; Jimmy saw what he thinks was a grouse. We didn't see any bears. We rode up to Blowing Rock, and stopped in town (we didn't go on to the actual rock this trip). We put Mama and Daddy and Jimmy in the shade in a pretty little park, and my DB & DSIL wandered through town a bit. What a pretty little town! Yes, very touristy (and very expensive - no "souveniers" came home with me from there!). We went in and out of several nice little shops ... I did!n't even get anything in a Christmas shop. My brother treated us all to ice cream... just the perfect thing for that day! (I got peppermint! Yum!). Then we rode on even more, as far as we could go until we got to another detour (they seem to be working on lots of areas of the parkway). While the rhododendron and mountain laurel were past their peak, we did see a few still blooming; plus we saw Fire Pinks, Goats Beard, and lots and lots of Day Lilies! We did eventually head back home; it was odd seeing the temp rising along with our descent out of the higher elevations. When we got back, we rested just a few minutes, and then went out to a very nice restaurant for dinner. (and for anyone "keeping track", yes, we had breakfast, ice cream, and dinner. perfect! LOL!). All in all, from my point of view, it was a completely perfect day!

Friday, June 5, 2009


OK, normally I don't discuss politics or religion. But, this is just for me to say what I want to say. And what I want to say is ... TWELVE MILLION for another state park???? What are they thinking?
So 12 mil is only a drop in the bucket compared to the deficit ... but how many teacher salaries could they pay with that? Knowing what teachers make, I'd say quite a few.
I have nothing against the state owning and preserving a place like Grandfather Mountain. But I have serious objections to spending that much money when so many people are losing jobs, losing homes, losing dignity ... I sort of doubt they care if we have another park!
Just my opinion folks.