Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2014 Goals, sort of

I had it in mind to update my “bucket list” for the new year.  Then I thought I might copy my niece and write about 14 accomplishments to be achieved in 2014.  Only, I couldn’t think of 14.  I couldn’t even think of 4.
The thing is, my life is currently unpredictable from one day to the next.  I can’t even count on a regular morning routine any more.  But, I do need some sort of goals .  Without some sort of goals .. some hoe of bettering myself, my life, in some way … I become purposeless and useless.  That is not acceptable.

For 2014, I hope to be more patient.  A LOT more patient.  I hope to find new ways of accomplishing the day to day things that need to be done in lieu of a “routine”.  I need to grit my teeth and purge more and more of the “stuff” here, especially paper and paper related. Unless it’s insurance, annuity, or tax related – I don’t need it any more.
I got rid of at least a dozen ring binders.  I kept 4 or 5, several big fat ones, that I have meticulously assembled over the years (predominately Christmas related).  It just breaks my heart that after all that work, I can no longer see well enough to use them .. and no one else is interested. 
Perhaps I’ll keep them a bit longer, in hopes that there’ll be someone to help me use them again.

Another goal for 2014 is to be more self reliant.  I’ve been disappointed quite a few times this past year.  People say they are going to do something .. but then not only never do, they don’t even so much as acknowledge that they ever said they would.  So, instead of counting on people, I have to learn new ways of doing things so that I don’t need help.  The hardest part of that is taking care of DH.  I’m tired all the time, and tired makes me so much less patient than I need to be.

I don’t want to commit myself to anything more specific than this.  I really do not know from one day to the next what will happen.    As of tonight, I feel like  DH will continue on this same path for years .. slowly declining (but with his mind sadly failing faster than the rest of him).  His doctor put him on hospice; but I’m fairly sure they did that in order for us to get some degree of help (oxygen, hospital bed, wheelchair – all paid for by hospice, as well as other supplies).    I do not think his doctor literally saw him as being terminal within 6 months.  Or 12 months.  Who knows.  I do understand that the toxins from his kidney disease are slowly causing more problems for him that are, as yet, undetectable.
And enough of that gloomy subject!  The point is, although I *think* things will continue more or less as they are for many many months to come, I don’t know that for sure.  And even if the general theme continues, he is different from day to day.  That’s where I need to learn to be flexible, and come up with ways to get done the things I need to do.

I also need to work at determining what really is important and what isn’t.  Writing IS important, because I need the outlet for emotions and feelings.  Mostly I do that on my One Day blog.  I need to be sure to not go more than 2 days without updating.

One last point.  My goal is to be more “cheerful” in the newsletter, and less “whiny” in the blog.  Expressing my depression and frustration is one thing; but I need to stop complaining about the same stupid things over and over!  I’m amazed that no one has dropped the newsletter, even though I’ve had to cut way back on what is in it.  I actually miss being able to do the quotes and other stuff, but I just can’t see well enough.  Too bad I don’t have a research assistant! LOL!

I hope anyone who happens to read this has a wonderful New Year: healthy, safe, and prosperous!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Cats!I have been saying over the last year or two that I am "in traiin

I have been saying for the last few years that I am "in training" to be the "crazy cat lady".  There are few who would question the "crazy" part.  I was raised by a lady, but I can't say it "tok" all that much; but I do try.  Usually.  But cats ... ahhhhhh.  I do love cats.  Even when they infuriate me, which they often do.

When we lived at the beach, I was given an adorable "tiger" kitten.  He was very sweet, but like all cats he was curious.  So when an obnoxious houseguest left the door open, he went out.  Outdoor cat, no problem.  Outdoor cat when there's a pen with several large dogs ... major problem.  Suffice to say he did not survive the experience.
Later I was given another kitten.  She was pure white .. and purely mean.  I was the only one who was ever able to handle her, and even I had to be cautious.  Later I was given yet another kitten, a 3-legged refugee.  I thought the 2 would be comppany, but they never bonded.  Eventually the mean cat was allowed to be an outside cat, and she was actually much happier - and nicer - until she got into the cow pasture.
The 3-legged cat survived  several moves, and eventually succombed to natural causes.

About a year or so after the last cat died, a neighbor's cat had a litter.  I claimed one, the prettiest little female ever.  As it turned out, she was the only survivor of that litter (due to roaming evil dogs).  Her name is Maggie, and she is quite aware that she is a beautiful princess.  She's now about 3 1/2 years old.  

A friend had to move out of state and couldn't take her cat, so I said I would take him.  I thought he would be company for Maggie.  You'd think I'd have learned that doesn't work! LOL!  Anyway, he's a big yellow cat named Butter.  He's now a bit over 2 years, and they tolerate each other.  Mostly.  He does prefer to be outside, so most days I let him out in the morning.  He comes to the door at night when he's ready to come in!

Last summer a stray cat showed up in the yard.  She was very scrawney, but friendly.  So I started feeding her.  Butter was afraid of her, so he stayed inside for a few months.  One day I went out to feed the stray .. and to my very great surprise, kittens began to come out from under the porch!

Naturally I began feeding the kittens.  My thought was that I needed to get them "tamed" so I could catch them and take to a shelter.  Well, part of the problem with that is that I have no way to actually either catch them or get them to a shelter.  In any case, they are coming around, gradually, one at a time.

The little gray one was the first to accept me.  I tried picking him up once, and he tried to bite me.  Fortunately, his little baby teeth weren't strong enough.  Now, some months later, I can pick him up and ;et him.  He won't accept being held long at a time, but he doesn't bite or scratch; he purrs!
Several of the others (there are 5!) will now come rub around my feet and purr; and one is just starting to let me reach down and pet it.

Two days ago one of the little brats found a way to climb in a window.  I'm now really sure that's what he meant to do, but nevertheless he got in.  I didn't find him until much later; but then the big cats discovered him .. and he ended up in the attic!  Last night I finally had the big cats shut in the kitchen, so I took a small dish of food and some water upstairs, and shut the door.  This morning the kitten kept crying, so I gook a bowl of milk (watered down, that's what I give them outside) to him.  I sat on the stes in the doorway, and he came right up to the bowl .. and slurped down the milk so fast he choked himself!  The food and water was gone.  I went back and got a small dish of food, and put in down several steps.  Then I sat on the landing near the bottom of the steps.  It took a few minutes, but the kitten came on down.  When he got near me, he started "exploring".  He circled around me.  A time or two when he got close, I reached out and rubbed or scratched him.  He ducked away, but ot far; and he was purring the whole time.  He kept getting braver, letting me touch and rub him.  Finally when he was close and not darting away, I got hold of him by the back of the neck.  I was then able to pick him up .. still purring .. and carry him to the door to go out.
And the little brat, as soon as his feet hit the porch, immediately stood up against the door crying again!!  Seems he liked being inside!  Oh, it is SO tempting.  But 3 cats?  And with Miss Maggie not likeing "intruders" into her kingdom?  Sigh.  I guess not.

I'm really OK with the outside cats.  After all, we live out in the country .. and have mice!  Maggie and Butter are turning into pretty good mousers.  I'd like to think the outside ones would be also.  But .. carzy or not, I don't really need or want more litters.  So I need to catch the females at the very least and have them spayed.
Hmmm.  First I need someone with good vision (which I do NOT have) to determine which are the females.  Then I need to borrow one or two large "live traps".  And then I'll need someone to actually take them to the vet, or shelter, whichever I need to do.

So.  I have the cat part well in hand.  The crazy part is not in question.  I guess I need to work harder on being a lady.  Well, sometimes anyway. :)

Friday, October 25, 2013

End of OctoberIf there's anyone out there actually fo

If there's anyone out there actually following this countdown journey with me, I apologize for my erratic postings.  There are things going on that are just beyond my control, and I'm working around them as best I can.
I am having to cut back on my ambitions for my Plan, but the end result - a clean and organized (mostly) house - is still the goal.  The worst room was the guest room, and I';m very pleased with what I accomlished in there.
I have exactly 5 weeks until Thanksgiving.  So, my semi-revised plan is to finish cleaning rooms by the weekend before, do a really good all over clean, and then pre.  As of now I might have anywhere from 15 to 22 here .. and as long as I can figure out where to seat them, the more the merrier!  (note: I will have my daughter in law, my stepson's girlfriend, and her mother all here to do the bulk of the cooking!)
I haven't been able to clean the porch as I hoped; but ALL of the cardboard that was piled up is gone, and the few "fragile" plants have been brought in.  That might be as good as it gets for outside.  I only have 4 areas I need to tackle, and 2 can be combined (and need very little unless I can find somewhere I'm comfortable with to donate more books).  So I hope I'll get at least some of the outside decorating done before the weather is too cold.  I'm sure it will have to be cut back this year, since I have much less help.
The last week before Thanksgiving I will start packing up bric-a0brac and photos so I'll have surfaces ready to decorate.  I'm leaving fall decorations up until Thanksgiving, but one more week and then Halloween gets packed away.

One thing I seem to have trouble with is focus.  I started out well; but I keep jumping from one room to another.  Right now I'm obsessed with changes I want to make in the den.  I have done part of what I wanted (because I had to move a big recliner so it wouldn't be absorbing the bulk of the heat from the wall heater as well as blocking heat from the rest of the room!).  I have a plan in mind for the rest; and I may just go ahead and start working on that today.  No one will be here today or tomorrow  so if that room is all in disarray it won't matter .. and if I get "stuck", the kids will be here Sunday and have no choice but help! LOL!

This has been a very bad week on several levels.  I'm going to try to get enough accomplished in the next few days to feel better about the few areas I can control!

Saturday, October 19, 2013



Over the years I have belonged off and on to many organizing groups and sites.  I was one of the original members to one group that is now BIG (and I’ve exceedingly happy for the lady who had a great idea and ran with it!).  And there are now many “professional” versions of this idea, many books published, etc.

They all tell you what to do.  Some have more detail than others.  They’re not all in the same order.  But the idea, of course, is to end up with a clean house and a calm holiday where everyone can enjoy themselves.

The problem I always have with all of these is (1) my list of rooms doesn’t match up with theirs.  Not a “big deal”, rooms can be substituted.  And (2)my time frame and other considerations interfere.  So I’ve had to use their basic ideas to make my own plan. 

I’m not going to tell you what my plan is.  I’m going to try to tell you HOW I made my plan.

The first step is to determine your starting point.  Are you starting in August?  October?  It’s up to you how much time you want to allow and how much detail you want to accomplish.  Here’s an example: I have multiple birthdays to deal with in October and November.  So trying to shop for Christmas gifts just doesn’t work for me.  I have money set aside in savings.  Also, I enjoy having a “wrapping day” rather than wrap gifts as they’re bought.  It’s up to you to decide your personal preference before you can incorporate it into your plan.

Another thing you will need to consider isif you are making gifts.  A lot of people don’t need a “how to” plan, they work on them all year.  But if you need more structure, then you will want to add time for working on your gifts.

Once you have your starting point, and have taken into consideration whether or not to shop early, and whether o not gift-making is to be part of your plan, the next step is to decide what areas you want to tackle, and how much detail cleaning/organizing you feel the need for.  Keep in mind – this is your personal plan.  You don’t have to go by what anyone else ways you *should* do, only what makes you happy!

I recommend you make a list of all the areas you want to tackle.  Then determine how many weeks you have to reach your goal.  For example, if you plan to start in the beginning of Septemberand you want to be done by Thanksgiving, you will figure on roughly 10 to 12 weeks (depending on the calendar in any given year).  If there are more areas than there are weeks, decide which areas can be either combined or eliminated.  You’ll make yourself crazy – and set yourself up for failure – if you try to cram too much into too short a time frame.  (If that’s where you are now – let it go!  You can’t do it all.  Do what matters most, and start earlier next year!).

You now have a rough outline of your plan.  The next step is to figure out what needs to be done each week.  This has to be based completely on your life style, your location, your family.  For example: many plans start with the front porch, because that’s what visitors see first.  And that’s fine if that’s what works for you or is what’s important for you.  But what if you start your plan in August, and you live somewherr that August is extremely hot?  Do you perhaps want to wait for cooler weather?  Do you want to do the porch when it might be time to bring “delecate” container plants inside, and maybe decorate for fall?  It’s entirely up to you, this is just a general guide of things you might want to consider.
Also, how much detail do you want to go into?  Are you having a big family get together and want to make big or special improvements?  Or do you just want to make sure everything is neat and clean and any needed repairs get taken care of?  I suggest you make notes of any ideas you have about different aareas on the list of areas to work on.  You can later cull it down if your list is over ambitious.

In listing ideas you must also take into consideration the time frame you have and anything that could come up that eats into your time frame (birthdays?  Anniversaries?  Doctor appointments?).  Do you work outside the home full or part time?  Do you work at home?  Do you have set or flexible hours?  Do you have to consider school – homeschooling, or carpooling, extra curricular events, etc.  Try to put as many of those things as you can on your calendar first so you can plan around them.

OK, back to the subject of what to do and when to do it.  In my personal plan, I work on less “important” rooms first – in my case, rooms that are not often seen by visitors.  I also keep in mind the weather.  For example, as with considering the porch, will a given area be too hot or too cool to do cleaning or organizing?  I personally do not include attic or storage areas, but you can if you want them tackled.  (I clean the attic in January while the bulk of what lives there – Chrsitmas decorations – is not in the way).  This is your plan, do what you want done!  Just make sure you take into consideration the comfort level of where you plan to work.

A lot of the planning groups and sites give you check lists.  While it’s good to be able to check off what you’ve accomplished (especially if, like me, you need that visual cue to keep encouraged).  But I also find those lists very cumbersome in that they include many things that either aren’t important to me or aren’t relevant.   You can go to any of those sites (google Chaistmas organizing), or you can make your own lists based on what is important in your home.

I’ve given you a basic outline of how to make a plan to suit your home and life.  It’s up to you how much detail you want to put into it.  Some people may work better with every tiny thing written down (i.e. scrub light switch plates).  Others do fine with a list that just says “this week clean the bedroom”.  You choose if you want to sort closets and drawers, or if that’s not important to you right now.  The whole point is to be ready for Christmas, not put your house up for public inspection!  Guests will inevitably peeop into the medicine cabinet.  Do you care?  Does it stay neat anyway?  (I broke a closet door, so the entire bathroom closet has to stay neat since it’s always “open”.  On the other hand, if they snoop in drawers, they *might* deserve to find a mouse trap!)
There are a few other things I recommend you keep in mind.
(1)     Nothing will go as planned.  Accept that, go with it the best you can.
(2)    Try to schedule “catch up” time into your schedule to make those unavoidable interruptions less stressful.
(3)    Include celebrations in your plan.  Don’t be so wrapped up in getting the house clean that your forget to make (or order) a birthday cake.  Allow time for fun!
(4)    Don’t be afraid to ask for or accept help if you’re lucky enough to have any available!

(5)    Keep in mind that the ultimate goal is a stress free holiday season. You have to decide what’s important to you and your family, and let go of what bogs you down if it’s not important to you!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Into Darkness

I was born with very poor vision.  The fact that I could see "clearly" at something 3 inches from my face is probably all that kept me from being "legally blind".  From early in the first grade - only 5 years old - I had to wear "coke bottle" glasses.  
For a brief spell when I was in college I had contact lenses.  That was before the days of "soft lenses" or disposable ones; but oh! the freedome they gave me.  But when I went to work in an office the freedome ended .. my eyes could not tolerate the dry air and flourescent lighting.  So back to the thick lenses, but at least I could have them tinted to help with glare.
At some point, maybe 20 or so years ago (I really do not remember except that it was during the time we lived in Edenton) I had a "spontaneous detached retina" in my right eye.  I had surgery, but it left me with a mostly blind eye - only some peripheral vision.
Fast forward another 20 to 25 years, give or take a few.  I developed cataracts.   Apparently they had been developing for quite some time; but without eye care insurance, I was a long time between appointments.  When I got to the point I could no longer ignore my fading vision, I went to an eye doctor - who promptly sent me to a surgeon. 
I had some sort of minor tear in one eye that had to be repaired, resulting in 6 weeks of no computer, no reading, no bedning, no heavy lifting. Once I got past that, I had the cataracts removed - one eye in December, the other in January.
For a very brief wonderful time, I could SEE!  I still needed glasses for reading, which was extremely hard to adjust to.  When the cataracts were removed, the lenses in my eyes were replaced, an it reversed my vision from near-sighted to far-sighted.  Never again can I read by simply holding a book close to my face.
After recovering from the cataract surgery, I went to a regular eye doctor to get prescription reading glasses.  I actually could "make do" with dollar store readers, but needed something better in order to keep working.
That's when I was diagnosed with glaucoma.  At that time, it was not noticeably effecting my vision.  That was around 5 and a half years ago.  The doctor then told me he thought I'd be completely blind "within my lifetime" (based on me being in my early 60s then and with at least a 20 year or more life expectancy).   He did not tell me how fast my vision would fail without actually being "blind".
I now see a glaucoma specialist about 3 to 4 times a year, and have a bunch of different eye drops to control pressure.  But the fact is, my vision has deteriorated drastically.
I can no longer drive (and technically no longer have a valid license, although the one I have expires in December - as long as no one were to run it with DMV, because it was revoked at the end of September).  Sitting here at the computer is difficult and frustrating.  One of the effects is that everything "fades" .. so light blue print is impossible to read; also anything small is impossible.  Watching television now is just listening and seeing a blur of colors (if I really want to "see" something, I have to sit or stand within about a foot of the screen; it's still blurred, but discernable).
I walk through my house and see mostly shadowy areas with pools of light where lamps or windows are.  I know my house well enough to know where things are (and absolutely Haate for anyone to move my things around).  I'm learning what things are more difficult to do (have you every tried to put toothpaste on a toothbrush when you literally couldn't tell where or how much you were getting?  Trick: squeeze the toothpaste onto a finger, and then squish it onto the brush).
I can no longer take my husband's blood pressure or temperature; and God help me if the alarm on the cycler goes off, because I can't read the screen that says why.
The people in my life day to day don't really grasp my frustration.  The one friend has been helping me go through freezer and pantry, to get rid of things I know I'll never use or are out of date.  I think she vaguely "gets it".  And my daughter in law has helped me go through mail and such; but she lives 2 hours away and they don't have time to visit.  My husband isn't really able to comprehend what I can and can't see; but then, he has multiple health issues, including dementai.  I'm satisfied for him just to know who I am.
Even when people close to me begin to understand what I can and can't see, they still don't really grasp what it's like on a day to day basis.  I want to clean my house, but literally can't see if a given surface is clean or not.  I go through the motions and hope for the best.  
I can't sew any more.  I actually can put my face close enough, and with a finger guiding, I can run the machine.  What I can't do is get thread through the tiny hole in a clear bobbin so I can wind it; or rethread the machine.   And no one really has time to just sit there with me to do that.
My world is gradually getting darker, and there's nothing I can do about it.   I trip over things I can't see (like that legs to my husband's bedside commode - they spraddle out, and I've broken a toe on it before, and always afraid I will again)..
It's barely daylight now.  Time to stumble through another day in my faded, out-of-focus world.
There were so many things I thought I'd get to do when I retired.  Instead I'm 24/7 caretaker for my husband, and no longer able to enjoy most of the things I wanted to do.  I don't resent caring for him (but will admit to being very tired).  I just feel sad  And very alone.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Random Thoughts in a Sleepless Night

It’s 3:00 AM and I’m awake.  I don’t know why; I want desperately to be asleep.  I seem to be developing chronic insomnia.  I don’t know if I’m falling victim to what I’ve accused DH of for years: not sleeping at night because of sleeping/napping too much during the day.    Hve I got it backwards?  Is the overwhelming daytime exhaustion because of not being able to sleep all night?  And why?   I was so tired and frustrated with DH waking in the middle of the night (anywhere from 1:00 to 4:00 on average).  But the new sleeping pill is working it seems.  He does occasionally wake up (rarely that I need to go in and get him settled back down).  But I’m still waking up and can’t get back to sleep.  I don’t dare taken anything to make me sleep; not even a glass of wine.  I need to be able to wake up if he does call me, or if the cycler alarms.  I guess I need to try to avoid, or at least limit, the daytime napping.  And the only way I’ll do that is by getting busy doing *something*.  And that’s hard to do when you’re so exhausted it hurts to move.
When I wake up in the wee hours and can’t get back to sleep, my mnd seems to go into overdrive.  This is an attempt to shut it down by going on and writing out thoughts (and by the way, starting the washer and getting a sandwich – to do something productive since I’m up, and hoping the peanutbutter and jelly will let me get back to sleep in a little while).
I keep being asked what am I going to do.  It seems people are afraid to be specific – do about what?  When the nurse asks, she seems to be asking what am I going to do when I can’t take care of DH, either because his condition deteriorates or because I’m no longer physicaly able.  I can’t answer her, because I don’t anticipate that happening.  Denial?  Perhaps; but I just can’t fathom any possible way for any other situation.   If he were to get to the point of literally not able to get out of bed, even to get on the commode; and his dementia progress to where he’s completely “out of it” or no longer recognizes family … I firmly believe (and *think* DSS does too, though it’s harder for him to accept) his wishes would be to just stop doing the dialysis, and let him slip away naturally and peacefully.  The only thing he’s ever stated was that he doesn’t want to be a “vegetable”.  (mostly he’s completely refused to have “that conversation” in any form whatsoever.  No, that’s not completely true.  He has stated that he thinks “elaborate” funerals are a waste of time and money)  But – funerals are for the living).
Meantime, I just don’t see any way of anything changing.  I’ve done the best I can to make arrangements to cope with my vision problems.  Many people know about the problems (I will need someone to stay here with Jimmy – someone physically capable of dealing with him if necessary; and someone to drive me somewhere to get the glasses fitted and ordered.  And then I’d have to do it all over again when they’re ready.  There are none of those “one-hour” places even remotely close to us).  So far – everyone is just way to busy.

I suspect some of the “what are you going to do” questions are vague references to after DH is gone.  I can’t answer those.  I can’t even imagine life without him.  I’ve been married to him half my life (and I know that’s not all that long compared to other marriages, but I can only think within my own experience).  Even the way his is now, without him here my life would have a big hole in it.  I guess I would wander around the house aimlessly for awhile.I know the time would come – quickly – that people go their own way and I’d be mostly ignored.  I think the “kids” (DS and DSS, and their respective spouses or SOs) would try to pressure me to move.  But not because they don’t want me out here alone, but because they don’t want to be bothered having to come way out here if I needed something (like going to the grocery store?)

When DH was last in the hospital, one doctor made a comment – I can’t remember it exactly – the gist was “he could last six months like that”.  That was almost immediately after her comment “we’re not doing anything medically for him, we’re just keeping him alive”.  I thought that was a bit of a crude statement, so her comments after didn’t fully register.  I am not sure if she was saying she thought he wouldn’t live more than six months past that time (which he already has); or if she was implying he *might* last six months if the dialysis was discontinued (which the PD nurse told me would most definitely NOT be the case – maybe up to 3 days).  All of the doctors on that last visit seemed to imply that we should stop the dialysis (or at the very least he should go back to hemo, which he is adamantly against.  Besides which that would create a whole new set of problems.  And his original PD nurse flatly stated she wasn’t sure he could survive hemo now.  I didn’t ask if she menat emotionally, or because of blood pressure issues, or what).
Hospice was mentioned, almost in passing – just to state that it wasn’t an option because he’s on dialysis.  That also seemed to imply they thought he wouldn’t last more than six months.
Ironically, it was the dialysis center who started the process of getting him into hospice.    It took 3 tries to get him accepted.  On his last visit to the pulmo clinic at Duke, the doctor said she thought hospice was a good direction for us, and she would do anything – sign anything – needed to get him admitted.  In the end, it was her signed admittance form that got him accepted. 
When we discussed it, she made sure to explain that the six months was only an estimated time frame, and could be renewed.  Ever since then I’ve wondered: did she really think he had six months or less?  Did she not want to just come out and say that to us?   (he was already a bit depressed because she has flatly stated he would NOT get any better).  Or was she really just reassuring us that it was just a way of getting him admitted into a program that would supposedly make things easier for us? As I said, he’s already more than six months out of the hospital.  And while his condition has clearly deteriorated, I honestly don’t think he’s all that near “the end”.  Apparently neither does his nurse.  (and I’m constantly afraid that he really isn’t “bad enough” and they’ll drop him from the program.  Not that I want him to be that bad; but it does terrify me to think of not having the nurse once a week, or the CAN 3 times a week; of having to pay for his oxygen, hospital bed, and wheelchair; of being completely on my own (and unable to drive) to take care of him.
He was admitted on July 9th.  The initial six months takes him just past the end of December.  That’s about 2 and a half months from now.  No, I don’t think he’ll be gone in that time.  But I will say, I’ve long suspected that he’s more likely to succumb to a heart attack.  He’s had 2 – the last one while he was in the hospital (Feb. 2011) which we were told was a “big” one. A doctor told me many years ago that lung patients were more likely to die from heart failure as the heart was over worked trying to maintain a failing body.  That would be the easiest way for him – quickly and done; but finding hm just might drive me into dementia. With the rejection, the nurse will be able to tell when he’s near the end, and most likely I won’t be here alone.  Although by then maybe I’ll wish I was!

I’ve sat here and wrote for an hour, without managing to clarify my thoughts at all.  But perhaps I can sleep a few more hours now.

Saturday, September 7, 2013


Over 50 years ago - maybe closer to 60 - the house my grandmother lived in had a grape arbor just out the back door, off the porch.  I think it was very close to a sealed over well; my vague memory is of it being somewhat "off limits", or at least dangerous.
I have not thought of that grape vine in many years.  It is, of course, long gone - as is the house.
My sister-in-law came to visit yesterday, and brought us a little baggie of Scuppernong grapes.  This afternoon I wanted a snack, so got some of the grapes.  And I stood at the kitchen sink, eating grapes, with tears rolling down my face.  I did not know you could taste a memory!!
Everyone knows, of course, the *correct* way to eat a Scuppernong grape is to bite down just enough to break the skin.  Then you squeeze the sweet juicy miside into your mouth, and throw away the slightly bitter, slightly tough skin.  They taste like childhood.  They taste like bare feet in grass, and sticky juice running down my chin and fingers.  They taste like the sound of buzzing flies.  They taste like lazy yard cats sleeping in the summer sun (but dodging sticky young fingers).  
They tasste like carefree sunny days when feeling loved and cared for was a given, and the biggest worry was avoiding bee stings.
I have a glimpse of why Jimmy keeps wanting to "go home".  So do I.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Random Thoughts on Blogging

I am obviously not a very good blogger.  I write a daily newsletter, and that's often all.  It's recently gotten less "informative" .. simply because so many diverse people receive it.  I got tired of getting negative comments.  I get occasional positive ones, and I do know there are some people who enjoy it (or did anyway).   

I like blogging - or rather, I guess, I like writing.  Even when I have nothing to say.  I used to like reading blogs too.  But the worse my vision gets, the fewere I bother to try.  But, of the 5 blogs I used to follow regularly ... only one is "active" and is very rarely updated.  Two of them will be active in the near future and I am very much looking forward to those updates.

I used to post the newsletter here, but so few people were reading it that I just quit bothering.  I just update occasionally when I have "random thoughts" and nowhere else to put them.

I have 2 other blogs.  One is only where I'm tracking my husband's progress through the hospice experience, and my feelings.  No one reads that, but it's OK.  It's still an outlet for me.  
The other is mainly a Christmas prep blog.  I keep trying to encourage followers, but haven't been very successful.  

Well, that's all then.  Oh, and tell the zombies they're blocked too.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Third week of Nano whatever

Do you find it easy to go offline during vacation?

I don't go on vacation.    But I did, if I had something fun and interesting to do, I don't think I'd have any trouble at all being offline.  When family comes to visit, or (in the past) when we went to visit family, I wasn't completely off .. but only "on" during down time.

Tell us about a missed connection.

If I missed it, how can I tell about it???

Do you havee any regrets about the connections you've made over the years?

Not really.  There have been friends come and go.  I'm sorry to have lost some of the friendships; but I've made new ones.  At one time I had a chat group, and most of us became good friends.  There were problems, and the group disolved; I do regret that.  But I'm still friends (on FB at least) with several of them.

Do you think all things are connected?

I think it's a "small wordl" and there are surprising connections.  But all things?  Only through God.  But not in a physical way.

Do you feel that you are connected to your community?

No, I really don't.  Especially not now, being both retired and a full time caretaker.  I still have friends in the community, they they seem mainly to be people I do business with of some sort or another.  I think if the reason for the business were to go away, there would be no communication; therefore, no connection.
And I don't much like this question, as it makes me realize just how alone I am.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

More of that Nano stuff

Who was the first person you met over the Internet?

I  can't possibly remember that!  It was not only years ago, it was several different ISPs ago!    I've never participated much in chat rooms, but I have (in the distant past) been in private chats with ladies I met through some group or other.
On the other hand, the first person I physically met after "meeting" on internet would be a lady in CA.  I went out there for my son's wedding, and not only did she and her husband come to the wedding, they very kindly and generously taped the wedding and sent the video to me later.  Before I came home again I spent a day with her at her home.

Tell us about the first entry on your blog.

I don't remember that either.  More than likely, I long since deleted it!

Think back to that first blog comment.  How did you feel when it popped up on your computer screen?

I don't really remember, but I suspect probably a combination of surprise and pride that I actually accomplished it.  It never mattered if anyone read my blog or not, but I did it anyway. 

If you were tralpped in an elevator, which three bloggers would you most want with you in that situation?

What a silly question!  If I were trapped in an elevator, why in the world would I want bloggers with me?  I would want someone who was capable of *doing* something, not just writing about it!

How do you feel when you're unconnected to the internet?

I hate to admit it, but I feel very "antsy".  My computer is my main  "connection" with the outside world.  Without it, I have little to no contact with some family members and friends.  Since I'm more or less stuck at home most of the time .. and the contact I have is almost exclusively with medical personel ... it's very lonely withn internet is down!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Nano something or other posts

Two of my nieces are doing that blog eveery day thing.  Since I spend a lot of time writing useless stuff, I thought I'd do it too.  Sort of.  I guess it's OK to do several days at once! LOL!  (oh wait.  hardly anyone reads this .. I can do it any way I want! LOL)

Day 1: Write about the last time you connected with a friend.
When I was about 5 years old, my parents moved to a new house.  3 houses up the street was a family with a girl about 9 months younger than me.  We became best friends.  We were in and out of each other’s homes and lives as if we were sisters. 
I don’t know when or how the friendship faded; but suspect it came with school.  I was a grade ahead, plus she went to private school for the first 3 years.  By the time we were in the same school, there was too much “distance”.  But recently we reconnected.  When there was a notice in the paper that her father died, I sent flowers and put a message in the guest book.  It took nearly 10 months, but she responded to my message.  We’ve emailed, friended on FB, and had one lovely long phone conversation.
That was the most recent *real* connection.
I’ve also recently acquired a new pen-pal.  I signed up through a epal site, and she responded.  We’ve written each other every day, and have been surprised at how much we have in common.  So, the letter I received this morning I supposed was the last time I connected with a friend.

Day 2: Where is your favorite place to connect with friends?
I don’t think this is what the question means, but I have to answer “online”.  Because I can’t get out of the house to meet up with friends … and have never really done much of that anyway … my email and Facebook connections are what are important to me.

Day 3: Do you think you still spend the same amount of time connecting in the face-to-face world now that socializing is so easy online?
I probably do, only because my face-to-face socializing has been practically non existant anyway.  I have more social contact online than I ever did in the “real world”.

Day 4: Who do you feel closest to in your life?
Right now I’m not sure I feel “close” to anyone.  Certainly not my husband, due to severe health problems which include dementia.  Not any of my siblings because we are rarely in touch (although I’m abundantly overjoyed with I can get together with any of them).  I have a daughter-in-law that I love dearly, and connect with; I have a girlfriend that I (mostly) enjoy being with; but she also doesn’t really grasp what my life is like, so frequently ignores me or lets me down.  I really just don’t feel “close” to anyone.

Day 5: Do you think it’s easy or difficult for you to connect with people?
Clearly, it’s difficlut.  I’ve been shy since grade school.  In school it was horrible; and for pretty much all of my school years I only had one close friend.  The friend from my junior high days, and the one from high school, have both died of cancer.  I’ve recently reconnected with my earliest childhood friend, but I wouldn’t say we are “close”.  Our lives, while there are surprising similarities, have gone in vastly different directions.  Plus, while she lives in the same state, it’s about 4 hours away. 
At one time I had a job as a tour guide.  That was the hardest thing I’d ever done in my life!  But I did enjoy it.  After that I had several different jobs dealing with the public.  I did OK, but don’t handle stress very well; and like a lot of people, I thrive on praise or compliments.  In jobs were they were stingy with that, I didn’t stay very long.
I spent the last dozen or so years before retirement in an office.  I made some friends there, but no one I was very “close” to.  None of them were interested in keeping up a friendship (other than very superficial, as on FB) after I was no longer in the office.  I was (am) still a bit on the shy side .. don’t talk to strangers easily … but instead of trying to get to know me, some of the girls just branded me “stuck up”.  The ones I got to know seemed to like me .. but like I said, only as long as I worked there.
Now?  Well, I have some friends I made during my year of being a chocolatier.  I had to quit that because of my husband’s health and my failing vision.  Turns out those friends are pretty much just superficial too.  I rarely hear from any of them; usually only when they have a new catalog or something.

I’ve used an awful lot of words just to say I don’t make friends easily!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Random Thoughts

I quit posting the newsletter here when I realized hardly anyone was reading it.  Actually, hardly anyone reads any of my blogs.  OK, I don't "advertise" them ... but most of the ones I read weren't advertised either.
It's irrelevant.

My thoughts are about friendship.  I persist in thinking I don't have many; but maybe the problem is my definition.  I always thought that friends were people who LIKE you, whho enjoy spending time with you, who care about you and what's going on in your life.  There are many people that I consider friends because that is the way I feel about them.  But maybe I'm wrong.  Because by that definition, I don't have many. I do have people who seem to like me ... but the vast majority of them are people I've met online, who don't really *know* me.  And if I post (on FB) a cute picture or something, a lot of people "like".  But if I'm struggling with something, I get "hugs" ... and also criticism from people who live in other states and have no clue what I'm up against.
Anyway, those aren't the people that concern me.  And I'm not really talking about family, although it's a deep sadness in me that I have so little contact (laterally).   I no longer get invited to join gatherings - but I couldn't go anyway.  And getting anyone to come here is remarkably difficult.  So I have to come to the conclusion that Jimmy and I are horrible boring people that no one wants to be around.

And then, there are the "users".  People who only like me when I have something to give them, usually money.  When I can no longer afford to hand out money, for whatever reason, suddenly these people have little time for me.  They don't come visit.  They don't call to say how are you (if they do call, it's to complain about something in THEIR life ... I've always been a good listener, but that's still a form of being used).  They don't bother to email or tet unless they want something from me.

People *think* they understand my lonliness and frustration.  They don't even come close.  

And then there's the "friend" who constantly criticises me.  OK, I admit I'm not real good with criticism.  I guess it's because I've lived with it all my life; and honestly, I'm pretty sick of being told what's wrong with me, or how wrong I am about something.  Any discussion I get into with this person turns into a borderline argument.  She just knows *everything* (she even had the nerve to tell me exactly what is wrong with a relative and what to do about it ... contrary to the doctors this person has been to!  And she doesn't even know the person!)  

There is a friend who claims most of all to understand my feelings, because she's been there.  Sort of.  And yet ... I can go days, even a week at a time, without hearing a word.  And when I do hear, or she gets here, it's because she needed to "get away" from her house. There's apparently no regard for what I might need (as in, just to hear something sometimes?)

The one person who seems to understand and care lives too far away to do much about it .. and yet they make more effort than people who live minutes away and "claim" to "be there if we need anything".  I'm sorry, but showing up once a week for a free meal with a bunch of disrespectful brats in tow is not what I consider "helpful".  Ture, there are those who listen to me complain and whine .... but only because they're a "captive audience" at the time.

I get it.  No one wants to hear me complain.  This is my life, deal with it.  I get that.  What I don't "get" is the apparent attitude that "your life sucks, so deal with it, we're busy having fun and can't be bothered".  If I didn't feel so isolatedd, so lonely, so deserted ... maybe I wouldn't complain.  

There are people who tell me how "strong" I am.  Well, NO, I'm not.  I do what I have to do.  Everyone does.  If you have no choice, then you do it.  Strong - to me - is when you have a choice, and choose to do what no one else will do.

When I started out writing I thought I had my thoughts "organized".  But I just can't seem to put the right words together to express what I'm feeling.

Maybe it doesn't matter anyway.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Life and stuff

I pretty much gave up keeping up the blog a long time ago, when it became quite obvious that no more than one or two people were even reading it.  On the few blogs I check regularly (with apologies to the many I follow but rarely check), I'm not listed among the ones they follow.
But every now and then I want to say something.  Sometimes no one wants to hear what I want to say - so writing on a forgotten blog seems appropriate.

I write stuff on here, then "erase" it.  I keep thinking I might actually post this.  What if someone reads it, and decides I'm a horrible person?  What if I am?  There are decisions to be made, and I'm terrified.  I don't have to make them alone, of course; but I know I'm enfluencing Jimmy.  I can't seem to get him to make any sort of decision on his own  (keeps saying whatever I think is best is ok with him).  Now I have to wait for Carl to come home from their weekend camping trip to discuss with him too ... and at the same time I'm nervous, I don't want to have to *wait*.  Does that even make sense?  I have no one with whom to have an objective conversation, and that is SO depressing.

The thing is, we're considering signing him into a hospice program.  There are a lot of misconceptions about hospice (and, I have learned, most of that comes from the fact that people wait too late to join the program).   Yes, hospice is an "end-of-life" care program.  But, people can stay on it for years!  Jimmy does have what we believe to be a qualifying diagnosis - he has "chronic rejection" of his transplanted lungs.  It can't be treated, because any drugs strong enough to combat the rejection would cause him way more harm than it would help.  That also means that another tenet of hospice would automatically be fulfilled: no treatment to "cure" or "eliminate" the condition will be done, because there isn't one.  The basic idea of hospice is to keep the patient comfortable, in their own home, and have the best possible quality of life for whatever lifetime they have remaining (which, as I said, could actually be years).  The renal failure complicates things but only a very small bit.  Being on dialysis for the kidney disease would invalidate hospice.  However, if he's admitted to the program for a condition completely different (i.e., chronic rejection; also vascular dementia), then he can remain on the dialysis (because in the end, that won't have any effect on the lung issue; and if her were to get another infection of any sort, it will adversely effect the dementia).  
I know I'm rambling a lot; I'm trying to "gather" my thoughts.   The objective of hospice is to make the patient (and family) comfortable.  One big "selling point" is that if he feels short winded, he could have oxygen all he wants, even though he doesn't actually qualify (or really need it).  There would be few, if any, hospitalizations - anything that comes up requiring attention would be taken care of at home.  For example, if he got peritonitis again, the PD nurse would come to the house (as she did before.  Tthe hospitalization was actually only to determine if there was anything else going on . The testing revealed the vascular dementia, and indicated it's gradually worsening, and also gets significantly worse with each infection or illness.  If he were to get pneumonia, they would treat him with antibiotics.  All of that kind of thing ocmes under "maintenance".  One of the doctors in the hospital implied that that's all they're doing now anyway.  Of course, she did not have a very good way with words; she came across sounding like she thought we should just write him off as a lost cause, "pull the plug" and be done.  Not!!

OK, I know, I'm still rambling.  I can think faster than I can type (and can't read what I'm typing either), so it's hard to get all the thoughts down.The "down" side of hospice is mainly perception.  Since they won't change anything that's already being done - and will provide additional help - it's hard to see any disadvantage.  One fairly significant thing is that they prefer to have a "DNR" in place.  Jimmy has never agreed to one (and the fact that he won't make a decision tends to indicate his feelings).  The "fine print" is: if there is no DNR, then if anything happens (for all practical purposes, we're basically talking about a heart attack), any hospice employee here is required (by law) to take all possible measures.  But there's another "side" to that issue.  Even if there's a DNR in place (and there is, literally, a bright orange piece of paper, completed by a doctor, stating DNR, in plain sight), I (or family member) have the option of moving it out of sight if we feel there is a very real possibility of resucitation with minimal damage.  Case in point: Jimmy has had at least 2 heart attacks that we know of; but neither time was he actually even aware of it at the time.  He pulled through those without ever losing consciousness; in fact, one of the times (and we can only guess when it was) he never even went to a doctor.  The one time he went to the ER, thinking he might be having one, turned out it wasn't.  He had a heart attack while in the hospital after a "minor" surgery, and no one eve realized it until after the fact.  So, my point is, a heart attack might not necessarily be an "end-of-life" type situation, and depending on the situation I can request action be taken despite the DNR.

I think, as I said (and then got side traced. Again.) is perception.  You tell anyone he's on hospice, immediately they assume he's on his death-bed.  I'm pretty sure I can get the boys to comprehend and be on board with everything.  But siblings might be another story.  I'm truly afraid his sisters would make a huge fuss.  And, when they realize they have no say in the matter, will be nuisances to say the least about "helping", coming to see him; and worse - planning his funeral!!  Good grief.  Am I ready to deal with that?  (not deal with a funeral - I know I'll have help when that time comes.  But to deal with them????).

Another thing to be concerned about, regarding perception, is both my and Jimmy's attitude.  He's been depressed for a long time; and his doctor telling him he would never get any better very nearly put him "over the edge".  It's taken a lot of "pep talk" and encouragement to get him to comprehend that not getting better doesn't have to mean getting worse; but only if he's willing to put some effort into it.  It's been a bit of a struggle to remind him of all the things he *can* do, and will be able to do as the weather gets nicer.  He's looking forward to DGS14 summer visit, so that helps.  My hope is, also, that making him more comfortable (i.e. oxygen if he wants it; more help than I'm able to give with everyday things like baths; plus a bit of relief for me so I'm not so crabby) will make him less depressed and more interested in things going on around him.
But me?  What about my perception?  I had a lot of questions, and the lady had good answers for me.  But am I really pushing this just so I can get some relief?  Is he rally ready for this or am I just being selfish?  And by questioning myself - am I in denial?  Am I ignoring clues and hints from all the doctors?  Or am I being paranoid in thinking that?

Some questions just don't have answers.  Unless DS has some strong objections - and I don't know of any reason why he would - we'll probably go ahead with the hospice.  There is still the very small chance that they'll say he doesn't qualify.  I guess that would be a good thing! LOL!  

I really would like to be able to talk this over with someone objectively.  But basically, there's very few people in my life to have any sort of conversation with.  I have one *friend* who is convinced I'm too stupid to breath and it's her duty in life to instruct me on the correct way to do everything.  (short story example:  email conversation - she mentioned she had forgotten to get a med refill and was annoyed with herself for running out.  I said I love the pharmacy I use because it tracks all prescriptions, auto-refills them when due (and contacts the doctor when a new auth is needed), and calls to let me know it's ready.  She said she was capable of keeping track of her meds, and her mother's and her husband's when they were alive (and didn't this whole conversation start with her saying she'd forgotten one!!).  I said I had more to keep up with than her 3 combined, all due at different times, as well as a lot of other responsibilities, and I appreciated the convenience.  Her response to that was that "a pharmacist" said he didn't have time to "babysit" customers who couldn't keep up with their won meds.  That, to me, really felt like a slap in the face!!  I chose not to continue the conversation).  When I insisted on bringing DH home from the hospital (instead of letting them place him in a rest home), she went on and on about how putting her mother in a home was the best thing to do and how happy she was (mother) and how many friends and activities she had, etc.   There is no "objective" conversation there, because she will always question every decision or observation I make.
She also criticizes me for being "too busy" for her to come over to visit.  Well, the thing is, when she comes I have to spend all day just sitting and visiting (mostly listening).  She says it doesn't matter if the house is "clean", but it does to me.  But I can't get up and down to do the things I do all day.  She's a good person in a lot of ways; but she can be highly critical of me, my family, my friends - and maintaining a friendship is, honestly, stresful!

Then I have another friend.   Wow, that makes 2.  She's actually much younger, and that occasionally becomes an issue - but not often.  However, anytime I say anything, she says "oh that's just like" .. and then goes off on some story of her own that has absolutely nothing to do with what I was saying.  So, I give up trying to talk and just listen.  We used to be able to go out and have fun together.  Between having to keep watch over DH, and vision making it dangerous to drive, there's no fun any more.

There's family of course.  The boys "care"; but they all have super busy lives, and can't just drop everything if I get whiny.  I have siblings that I have very little contact with.  It's not that we are "estranged" or anyting like that.  We just have totally different lives.  I rarely hear anything from any of them.  And it's not that they don't care, but honestly, all they want to hear from me is that everything is just fine.

No matter how many times I start this over, it turns into a whine-fest. (  I'm exhausted and lonely and sad and frustrated. I don't know if hospice is the right direction or not.  I don't want to sign him up for selfish reasons on my part; but I don't want to deny him services that will make his life easier and more comfortable either.  Are there, in the end, any "right" answers?

Saturday, February 9, 2013

One of the "Random" Things

I send out a daily newsletter to a few dozen or so people.  Every once in awhile I hear from someone that they enjoy reading it.  Mostly I only hear if I miss a day (and considering how few I hear from then, I do wonder how many of my subscribers just automatically delete).  I used to also publish it here (thus the name "good morning"); but when I realized that in general only one or two people ever even opened the page, I quit bothering. (sorry to those two people).
So, I only put something here occasionally when something catches my eye - usually that means stealing a post from my niece.  So that's what this one is. :)

Things about ME.  

1 are you in a serious relationship?
Yes.  Which translates into live-in slave to a disabled and seriusly chauvinistic man.

2. What was your dream growing up?
This may sound stupid, but the one thing I ever wanted most was to be married and have a lot of kids - the whole "white picket fence" deal.  Didn't happen.  I also wanted to be an artist; but I just didn't have enough talent.

3.What talent do you wish you had?
I wish I had ANY real talent.  I can't carry a tune.  I'm clumsy.  I can't cook.  I *try* (or have tried) lots of things, but never found anything I was good at.

4.Favorite drink?
Presuming this is referring to alcoholic?  My brother's "old fashioned".

5.Favorite vegetable?
That's hard, I really like veggies.  I guess broccoli.

6.What was the last book you read?
I don't read as much any more due to rapidly losing my vision.  But I am currently alternating between "Christmas Cookie Club" and "Collateral Damage".

7.What zodiac sign are you
Capricorn.  And I have no idea what that *means* - and don't care.

8.Any tattoos or piercings?
Pierced ears; it was done when I was around 18, and they don't match.  I've considered a 2nd set, because I LOVE my earrings, but can't get it done to even out.  NO tattoos.  Never have, never will, just my personal choice.

9.Worst bad habit?
I guess it's a toss up between laziness and losing my temper.

10.What is your favorite sport?
To watch, figure skating.  To participate - is shopping a sport?

11.Do you have a pessimistic or optimistic attitude?
I think, most of the time, optimistic.  But I get an awful lot of weepy spells.  I suppose that's probably more depression than pessimism.

12.Worst thing that ever happened to you?
Losing my parents.  They were supposed to live forever.

13.Tell me one weird fact about you.
That's hard.  Who gets to define "weird"?  I don't think I'm weird, but maybe other people do.

14.Do you have any pets?
Yes, 2 cats.  If I thought they'd get along (and my husband wouldn't have a fit) I'd have more.  I also have a dog in the yard.  He's not "mine"; but I'm beginning to wonder if he'll ever go "home".  His owner is supposedly making a place for him; but all I ever hear are excuses.  He'd be a really nice dog if h'd quit barking at night!

15.Do you think clowns are cute or scary?
I don't think they're either one. I've seen some that were cute; the only scary ones I've seen were on TV shows were they were meant to be scary.  Mostly, I just think they're funny.  Usually. Some are just dumb.

16.If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be?
OK, I'm presuming the question isn't referring to something I have the (supposed) ability to change, like my weight.  So I think it would be my hair.  It's white around my face, and dark everywhere else, so just looks messy; and thinning nearly to the point of bald on one side.

17.If you won $10,000 today, what would you do with it?
That would depend on if the win was "public knowledge" or not.  If it was, someone would be knocking down my door for a "loan" (which, since I don't expect to ever get paid back, I'd give an equal amount to someone else).  If no one knew about it, it would get divided between the medical account and my annuity account.

18.What is your favorite place to hang out at?
I don't think I have one.  We don't get to "hang out" anywhere because of DH's multiple health issues.  It used to be going to my brother's house; but we can't travel anymore, and he's rarely home anyway.

19.Do you believe in ghosts?
Undecided.  I've never seen one; but an awful lot of people believe they have.

20.Favorite thing to do in your spare time?
Since I'm retired, in theory *all* my time is spare. Ha! My favorite things to do would be reading and sewing.  With failing vision, both are becoming very hard to enjoy.

21.Biggest pet peeve
Rudeness .. followed closely by inconsideration.

22.In one word, how would you describe yourself?

23.Do you believe in/appreciate romance?
Believe in?  Yes.  Appreciate?  How would I know, it doesn't exist in my world.

24.Favorite and least favorite food?
I can't pick a favorite, it changes with my mood; but I hate liver!

25.Do you believe in God:
Absolutely, totally, indisputably.

26.Will you repost this?
What a silly question.  If I don't, who will know?  On the other hand, if I do and no one reads it, what different does it make? LOL!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Borrowed Questionaire

OK, really, Alice "stole" it from Alex who "stole" it from her friend, so I guess I "stole" it from Alice.  But questionaires are fun, even when no one reads them. :)

01. What is your current obsession?

II guess decorating.   I don't do much else.

02. What are you wearing today?

I haven't really decided.  Jeans and a Tshirt.

03. What’s for dinner?
2Probably turkey burgers; but too early to be sure.

04. What’s the last thing you bought?
I ordered some grocery and pet products on line.  So much easier to let someone bring it to me!!  (free shipping of course)

05. What are you listening to right now?
Actually, just as I got here, the phone rang! :)  Otherwise, the computer fan; rain dripping out the window; the cats wrestling; the furnace running.

06. What do you think about the person who tagged you?
No body "sent" it to me.  I swiped it from my niece who swiped it from her sister, both of whom (and the 3rd sister) I love dearly!

07. If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be?
High up in the Norch Carolina mountains! (but 2nd choice might be Kiawah Island, SC!)

08. One thing you wanna change about yourself?
It's hard to pick only one thing.  Perhamps my stamina.  If I didn't get so tired, I wouldn't get so grumpy.  Then again, if I could have my vision back, I would be so frustrated.

09. If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
Just for an hour?  I choose back to sleep!

10. Which language do you want to learn?
Spanish, so I could understand the neighbor children!

11. What’s your favorite quote?
It'll be all right in the end.  If it isn't all right, it isn't the end.

12 . Would you cook for me?
Ummm ... who are "you"?  I'm writing this for myself.  I cook for myself all the time.  Sort of.  I'm not a very good cook any more (hard when you can't see well).

13. What is the right way to avoid people who purposefully hurt you?

There are a lot of people in my life who hurt me frequently.  But none of them really do it on purpose (they just don't know any better).  I would not have any contact with anyone who hurt me on purpose.

14. What are you afraid of the most?
Losing family members.  Fire.  Alligators.  Needles.

15. Who do you want to meet right now?
Right now?  I haven't showered or dressed - I don't want to meet anyone! LOL!  But I would like to meet Richard Gere.  And I'd love to meet Scotty McCreary - I'd like to apologize to him for not recognizing his voice when he called me; and let him know I really have listened to his CD!  Also, I'd really enjoy meeting Greg Fischel!  

16. What is your favourite color?
Most of the time it's purple.  But sometimes it's red.  Occasionally even yellow.

17. Give us 3 styling tips that work for you.
Style?  I don't think I have any.  I guess wear clothes that fit properly and are age-appropriate.  And fat people shouldn't wear horizontal stripes!

18. What is your dream job?
Retirement - where I could actually be retired, not live-in slave labor.

19. What’s your favorite magazine?

I can't read magazines any more.  I used to like Woman's Day and Family Circle; also Victoria.  And decorating ones. 

20. If you had $100 right now, what would you spend it on?
I'd save it for a rainy day.  Oh wait.  This IS a rainy day.  I'd go shopping on line!

21. What do you consider a fashion faux pas?
Wearing anything too tight.  Socks with anything but lace-up type shoes. Heels so high you wobble.  Horizontal stripes on fat people.  Anything that's inappropriate for the occasion (such as jeans at a formal dinner, or a cocktail dress at the bowling alley).

22. Who according to you is the most over-rated writer?
I have no clue, I only read authors I enjoy.

23. What brings a smile on your face instantly?
Hugs from my grandchildren

24. A word that you say a lot?
Nothing I can repeat in public! LOL!  other than that ... either "seriously" or "cool".

25. What kind of haircut do you prefer?
I would prefer long wavy hair.  But since my hair won't cooperate with that - and would look nasty on me - I'll settle for shortish, pinned out of my face, and keeping it neat.  And preferably blue.

26. What are you going to do after this?
Take a shower.  Then gather up trash to take to the dump when it stops raining.

27. What do you do when you are feeling low or terribly depressed?
Cry.  Scream. Throw things. Slam doors. No wait, that's a temper tantrum.  Depressed?  Eat ice cream.

28. What makes you go wild?
Not real clear on what is meant by "go wild" ...  but incompitency in a business that people have to depend on makes me furious.

29. What are your favorite movies?
Dirty Dancing; Miracle on 34th St.; The Santa Claus; Shall We Dance; Gigi; Wizard of Oz; Mama Mia; 

30. What inspires you?
Nothing much lately.

31. What do your friends call you most commonly?
Betty.  only, no one calls me.

32. Would you prefer coffee or tea?

33. Which other blogs do you love visiting?
There are a lot I read occasionally (but since I have to limit my time on line, not so much any more).  I always check the family ones - not that some of them get updated very much. :(

34. Favorite dessert/sweet?
That's hard!  Anything chocolate, or peppermint, or key lime.  Or maybe Krispy Kreme donuts.  A key-lime filled donut would be fabulous!!

35. How many tabs are open in your browser right now?

36. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?
I haven't done that yet.  But when I do, my most usual thought is "I wish I could see well enough to know if my hair is ok".

37. Favorite season?
Fall, especially October.  Warm days, cool nights, colorful leaves, yellow flowers ... love it all!

38. One wish that you really want to see come true?
To win the lottery - so then I could hire people to do all the things that I can't do and wishing can't change!

39. What breaks your heart?
Cruelty to animals or children; old people being ignored; war; homeless people; incurable illnesses; devastation caused by nature or by insanity.

40. What's one thing you really want to do in life?
I really doubt I'll ever get to do most of the things I always wanted to do.  But my "bucket list" includes a ride in a limosine; to ride an elephant; a ride in a hot air baloon; take a cruise.
Also I always wanted to design and build my dream house.  I'd love to be able to at least have my design turned into a real blueprint, even though I can't build a house.