Tuesday, March 20, 2012

March 20, 2012

Good morning! It's a beautiful morning. When I first got up it was gray and drippy; and then there was a gorgeous sunrise (evening gray and morning red, etc), and the forecast is for possible storms later. For now, it's brilliantly sunny; and it's SPRING and will be low 80s today!
Yesterday: I did try to get some things done, but did not accomplish nearly as much as I hoped. It was stormy until early afternoon, and then cleared. I didn't work on the paper project, but did get a few other bits and pieces done. Dancing With The Starts started ... much better than last year, with some surprises. Erkle??? LOL!!
Today: DH has yet another follow up appointment. It is nice, however, to have a doctor that is NOT an hour away that is keeping such a close watch. :) That shouldn't take very long, so no idea what the rest of the day will hold. I'll probably stop for groceries on the way home (out of coffee creamer!! panic! LOL!), and I *hope* I get a bit of motivation going to get some cleaning done. :)

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