Saturday, June 23, 2012

June 23, 2012

Good morning! It's a beautiful morning. Wow, summer really blew in full force! After several weeks of relatively mild weather, now we're Hot!! Today will be in the low to mid 90s; plus partly cloudy, so the ever-present chance of afternoon storms.
Yesterday: Most of my day was spent sitting around waiting - for doctors, nurses, therapists (who never came), PAs, NAs, and assorted other people. Some of the rest of the time I wandered around hospital halls - just to keep my blood circulating! LOL! DH is doing better; the infection is almost completely gone. He has to build up a bit of strength, but we're really hoping he'll go home tomorrow. We're also taking advantage of the situation to have a nephrologist checking on the dialysis daily and determining if any changes are needed.
Last night, fairly late, I came back home (in a storm - not fun!). I nuked something to eat, and me and the cats crashed. Literally. Maggie finally did what I've been afraid of all along - she fell into the fish tank!!! It only has a couple of inches - but she was NOT happy!! LOL!!! (she's fine, just a bit smelly right now! LOL!)
Today: It felt SO good to get a shower this morning! :) I've got laundry going, and just as soon as I get that done and a few odds and ends around the house, I'll be heading back to Duke. The only obstacle right now to DH going home is being able to get up and walk enough to get around the house when he gets home. Since the therapists don't seem to be available, it'll be myself and a nurse or aid walking with him. So, I want to get there as soon as I can (just can't figure out how to make the washer and dryer go any faster! LOL!).

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