Sunday, July 15, 2012

July 15, 2012

Good morning! It's a beautiful morning. It's bright and clear so far, and the forecast is only for partly cloudy with small chances of "widely scattered" storms. It'll be summer-hot, in the low to mid 90s. The long range looks like we're coming up on a week of 90s and storms .. we need the rain for sure!
Yesterday: The meeting went very well, and more people than expected showed up (traditionally, there have only been 2 or maybe 3 - we had 4!). The silly cats, of course, were a nuisance (and when every one left, they took naps!!). In the end I didn't go visit the landlord. I did some sewing, some reading, some emailing. In the evening a friend came over and told me what is wrong with the water pump (simple, but still need to contact the landlord first thing in the morning to get it fixed). It was pretty much a lazy day. :)
Today: I expect it'll be a bit more of the same. I will have to go out at some point and get more gallons of water (and sure am glad that I tend to "stockpile" things like that!! You just never know). While there are always "projects" to work on, I'm ready to just sit back for a few weeks and settle for maintaining the house. So, today I'll probably mostly sew (other than a trip to the store), read, maybe even (*gasp*) turn on the TV! LOL!

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